Why a National Citizens’ Assembly on Electoral Reform?

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Escaping Our Groundhog Day Campaigning Loop

Are you familiar with the movie Groundhog Day? Phil Connors, the main character, realizes that he is trapped in a time loop. It feels like Canadians are stuck in a political version of Groundhog Day with our first-past-the-post (FPTP) electoral system.

FPTP’s permanent campaign loop has become our political alarm clock, waking us up each day to the same hollow promises and slogans. This endless cycle interferes with effective governance. Our leaders are so busy perfecting their campaign smiles that they forget about the real issues – it's like they're stuck in a time loop, determined to look good to maintain or gain power.

How does permanent campaigning disrupt effective governance? It diverts those in power from long-term comprehensive inclusive policy planning to short-term narrow selfish electoral gains. It encourages politicians to prioritize image over substance, neglect complex issues, and fosters a polarized environment. Politicians direct resources towards winning elections rather than securing social justice and environmental stewardship.

The solution? Let's break free from this political Groundhog Day with electoral reform, specifically through proportional representation (PR). It would inject vital variety into our political landscape, ensure that diverse voices are heard, and prevent the same old script from playing on repeat. It's time to ditch the permanent campaign loop of FPTP. Let’s embrace the collaboration of PR that numerous democracies use to produce effective and visionary governance.

Support FairVote.ca, NationalCitizensAssembly.ca, and CharterChallenge.ca and ask your MP to vote for M-86 Citizens' Assembly on Electoral Reform.

By Nancy Carswell

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