John Thorton and Todd McKay wrote about the Saskatchewan Transportation Company (STC) issue in the May 12 Shellbrook Chronicle. Together they provide an educational contrast.
John's letter presents a history of the STC under the Sask Party. Initially, a decrease in fares produced an increase in revenue. Yet, fare increases made it "too expensive for nearly 100,000 riders in five short years." John emphasizes that the STC is and should remain a public service.
Todd's article presents the case that the STC "didn't serve everyone even though we all subsidized it through our taxes." He gives the example of the AV Transit company. It may offer more timely and less expensive service between Martensville and Saskatoon. Todd concludes the STC is best privatized.
John's and Todd's writing reveal the potential policy lurches possible in our first-past-the-post electoral system. Imagine the next Saskatchewan government is pro-public services. We could lurch back to a public bus service.
When the seats in government are in proportion to the way people voted, there are fewer policy lurches. Proportional representation (PR) creates a cooperative decision-making process. PR produces sustainable and durable policy outcomes. This is why over 80 democracies have evolved to some form of PR.
Evidence heard by the all-party electoral reform committee (ERRE) overwhelmingly favoured PR. Find your MP at Ask them to be a democracy hero by voting to accept the ERRE report at the end of May. Let's make every vote count federally, then provincially.
Nancy Carswell, Co-spokesperson Fair Vote Saskatchewan
Shellbrook, Saskatchewan
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