Why a National Citizens’ Assembly on Electoral Reform?

Sunday, April 21, 2013

"Help Make 2015 Canada's Last Unfair Election" FVC Video Contest

A mind, like a book, works best when it is open.  A recent Environics poll by LeadNow asked "Some people favor bringing in a form of proportional representation. This means that the total number of seats held by each party in Parliament would be roughly equivalent to their percentage of the national popular vote. Would you strongly support, somewhat support, somewhat oppose, or strongly oppose moving towards a system of proportional representation in Canadian elections?"  Even with this brief description of proportional representation, it appears Canadian minds are open. 

Fair Vote Canada (FVC) believes opening minds through education is critical.  As well as print and visual resources for teachers and the public, it is looking to leverage the power of video.  In particular, it is looking for a video that will go viral—a video that will inspire action and unite Canadians.  After the deadline of May 30, the FVC YouTube channel will share the videos and start the process of voting for the Viewer's Choice Award.  There is also the Judged Panel Award.   If you are a videographer or know one, here is a chance:
to help make 2015 the last unfair election in Canada.

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