Why a National Citizens’ Assembly on Electoral Reform?

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

AGMs are Scheduled

The Saskatchewan Chapter of Fair Vote Canada will be holding its Annual General Meeting (AGM) in two stages.

The first meeting will be held in Regina, Saturday, February 20th

- Cathedral Neighbourhood Centre

- 2900 13th Avenue

- The Boardroom

- 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm

The second meeting will be held a week later, February 27th in Saskatoon.

- Amigo's Cantina

- 632 - 10th Street East (one block east of Broadway)

- The back room

- 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm

We hope all Fair Vote members in Saskatchewan can find the time to attend. We would like to take this opportunity to talk about what we have been up to during our first year of operation and what we would like to accomplish in the coming year. We have some ambitious plans for 2010 and we need some energetic and dedicated people to lend a hand.

We are also hoping some of you will put your names forward for election to the Chapter Executive. The process is contained within Article IV of our bylaws which can be found by following this link.

All members of Fair Vote Canada living in Saskatchewan are eligible to run for office. If you are interested in running for any of the open positions please send an e-mail to fairvotesask@gmail.com with a note stating your intention to run in the following format.

I (insert your name) a member of Fair Vote Canada and living at (insert your address) do hereby offer my name for one of the positions in the Fair Vote Canada, Saskatchewan Chapter Executive.

If elected I will serve.

No expressions of interest will be accepted after 6:00 pm, Wednesday, February 17th.

You will receive an e-mail response to confirm your interest. Once that confirmation is received your name will be placed on the ballot.

The election will be held in two phases. The ballot box will be open first at the Regina AGM then after the meeting it will be sealed. The box will be reopened at the Saskatoon AGM and when all ballots are cast at that meeting, the ballots will be counted and the successful candidates announced.

Non members are welcome but cannot vote although membership application forms will be available and we welcome new members. We hope to see you there

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